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Contact & Submit Music

Submit Music



To enroll your music use the contact form and make sure to write "I ACCEPT" or no admission for airplay will be given. We do not accept sending links to other music platforms to view through this submitting form. SEND only one track to be approved on our station.


ABOUT Alfa8 Radio:

Our core purpose with a lot of love is to represent International Indie music artists over our Radio waves through Internet. We help give artists a helping hand in building a fan base.


This station does not make money off the artist! It is our mission to encourage the public to stop downloading music for free and support music artist/bands by buying their music! However, we do charge to fix metadata.


**"Private and Music Promoter Agencies" we require Metadata to be spot on. If submitting music to Alfa8 and fails to fix metadata to tracks, we will charge you $25.00 through paypal to fix requirements to air music.  If music metadata isn't fix no global air-time will be given!


Thanks for submitting!

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